Being a manager can come with a lot of ups and downs, and one of the main duties a manager will have is ensuring that employee wellbeing is at the top of the list to help with productivity and progression in the workforce.

When a manager wants to improve employee wellbeing, they need to take a step back and see what can be done by focusing on mental health support as well as encouraging physical health.

Taking an interest in employee health and wellbeing will provide employees with job satisfaction and a good work-life balance.

Today we will discuss what steps managers can take to boost employee wellbeing by developing a wellbeing strategy that promotes a positive working environment that includes personal development and better job performance.

Why is it Important to Care About Employee Wellbeing?

Employees are not mindless drones who clock into work for however many hours and just get the job done, they are human beings that need connection and to be able to feel like they are doing the best they can within their role.

As their manager, it is crucial to foster a culture of encouragement and genuine concern for the mental health and overall wellbeing of employees, as this approach significantly influences job performance.

If your company does not yet have an employee wellbeing strategy encompassing wellbeing initiatives and benefits, now is the opportune moment to consider implementing such measures to enhance the overall wellness of your workforce.

A workplace that prioritizes health and wellbeing inevitably yields higher levels of motivation and productivity, consequently leading to augmented profit margins and improved employee retention rates.

Therefore, it remains imperative to uphold a healthy work environment, be it by promoting work-life balance amongst employees or maintaining a hygienic workspace through regular cleaning with the help of Ozark Maintenance (or a similar reputable firm).

Think of The Benefits

Not only will employees feel more motivated but a happy workforce can boost team relationships and create a healthy workforce that will have a knock-on effect in daily life.

You can’t ignore what employees need, so if you are serious about changing the way you handle your employees and you want to know more about wellbeing benefits to encourage employees, then keep reading.

How to Improve Staff Wellbeing

When it comes to improving employee wellbeing, you need to have a plan about what you want to do and how you are going to keep this going.

Below are some suggestions that might be a good path for you to go down depending on the needs of your employees and the size of the business.

Think of their safety

Safety is a universal concept that should ideally apply to employees across all sectors, whether they are from the IT or construction industry. You need to ensure that your employees are safe inside the office premises. For this, you would need to install CCTV cameras and smoke detectors within the confines of the office space. Anti-harassment policies should also be drafted. You are required to keep an eye on all facets of your office building, from ventilation to cooling, heating, and everything in between. The workspace should be cleaned thoroughly every morning so as to eliminate dust and dirt — hiring janitorial services could be of help here. For jobs that demand physical labor, like at construction sites and warehouses, employers would need to offer comprehensive safety training to their employees. Along with this, it is an obligation for employers to provide machinery that functions properly. What’s more? Workers in such settings are also needed to be offered safety gear like hard hats, gloves (check it out here), masks and respirators, safety vests, and slip-resistant footwear. Truth be told, as long as the staff is present on the premises of the office, it is the responsibility of the employer to take care of their safety.

Provide Employee Assistance Programmes

An employee assistance programme will help with providing confidential counselling to all staff so they can be helped with any personal or workplace problems that are causing them to feel worried or upset.

If they are suffering from poor mental health, then using a system such as this will help them with any anxiety, stress, or depression they may have.

This can be accessed virtually, or they may want face-to-face appointments.

Set Challenges For Their Physical Health

If you think that your team could use some healthy movement, then why not set them some physical challenges that can get them working together as well as keep them moving to get them away from their desks every so often?

You may want to get them to do a stepping challenge, for example, by the end of the week see who has accumulated the most steps.

You can give them all the same pedometer to do this or have them use their fitness apps on their phones, anything that can get them to take part in some healthy fun.

Arrange One-on-Ones

Every so often, it would be a good idea to schedule one-on-ones with your employees to see how they are getting on individually.

Let them know that this is an informal chat to discuss how they are feeling and if there is anything that they would like to say about their job or the way they are coping with their work.

It is important that they know that you are here to listen to them and you want them to be honest with you as it helps create a strong connection.

Introduce Employee Benefits

If you do not already have wellbeing initiatives in place, then now is the time to get the ball rolling on that and offer your employees benefits that will support their work-life balance.

Benefits Can Include

  • Discounted Healthcare
  • Discounted Gym Memberships
  • Discounts on Retail Items
  • Access to Meditation Workshops
  • Free Stress Management Courses

These are just some examples that may work for your employees.

To make it fit exactly what they need, you will want to see how they work and what they would most likely want to happen.

You can do this by asking around, sending out a questionnaire or putting out a suggestion box for people to write what they would like on.

Encourage Employees to Take Proper Breaks

When work is full-on, it can be very hard for employees to take a break as their mind is somewhere else and time can slip away from them.

In one of your meetings, talk about the importance of taking breaks and make sure people understand that it is necessary for their mental health and physical health to get away from their desks every once in a while to stretch and get something to eat or drink so they don’t crash.

You want employees to feel refreshed, so if you notice that they have been online consistently without a break, or you physically see them not taking a break, nudge them in the right direction and tell them that they should be doing this for their wellbeing.

Try and do Regular Get-Togethers

They may be your work colleagues, but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy seeing them outside of work hours for some relaxation and destressing.

Try and arrange company days out, or evening meals on occasion to give them something to look forward to.

It can help with team relationships and help them build friendships with one another which can help them with their job performance.

Keep it Casual And Don’t Push

You will work with a ton of different personalities and ages, so if you come across some employees who don’t want to do it or can’t, you shouldn’t push them.

They may suffer from bad social anxiety or have a family to go home to.

There are a number of reasons why they may not be able to come, which is why you should just let them know that if they ever do want to come along in the future, all they need to do is tell you.

Keep the invitations open to them.

Reward Great Work

If any employee has been working for ages on a project and really putting in their hours, it is always an important thing to recognise this and let them know that they have done great work and you are pleased with their performance.

Employees want to know that they are meeting targets and doing well in their job, this is why it is essential that you tell them when they do as this will help spur them on and keep going, which is what you want out of an employee.

Create a Hygienic and Safe Work Environment

Creating a safe and hygienic work environment, likely with the help of a commercial cleaning firm like green facilities, tends to be of utmost importance for employers. This single step helps ensure that the workplace is free from hazards like slips, trips, and falls, and maintains optimal air quality and comfortable temperatures. Employers should also provide personal hygiene essentials such as hand sanitizer, soap, and face masks while offering clear instructions on their usage.

Additionally, employers may need to prioritize regular cleaning and disinfection of carpets by partnering with a reputable company that offers commercial carpet cleaning services in Atlanta, GA (or the office’s location). This proactive approach can minimize the risk of transmitting viruses or allergens.

Alongside maintaining safety and hygiene, employers should consider other health and safety measures. Providing ergonomic furniture is crucial, as it reduces strain on muscles and joints, combats fatigue, and improves posture. Optimal lighting conditions contribute to improved concentration and reduced eye strain.

Offer up Healthy Snacks and Drinks

A great thing about working in an office is that you can have access to a lot of snacks and drinks when you want.

If you are an office that provides that for your employees, try and gear your snack options toward the healthier side to show you care about their physical wellbeing.

Reaching for something sugary as the day draws to a close can cause them to have a sugar rush and then crash them right back down.

Instead, go for foods that are slow-release and are not choked full of fats and sugars, they won’t be going home with a sugar headache or feeling nauseous from consuming too much.

Think about providing –

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Nut Snack Pots
  • Grapes
  • Health Bars (naturally occurring sugars)

This can make a huge difference.


Whether you are trying to improve on your current wellbeing initiatives, or you want to start implementing some, it is always a good idea to see what is out there that you can do.

Hopefully, you are able to take what has been written above and use it for your own office to support your employees at work.

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